
August Newsletter: Look Out for Summer Pests

Snakes- Common Summer Pest

August Newsletter Page 1

August Newsletter Page 2


Rattlesnakes Are More Common Than You Think!

Most rattlesnake bites occur between the months of April and October. This is when the days are the warmest and snakes and people alike are out enjoying the outdoors. Take simple precautions to stay safe while exploring the outdoors by remembering to do the three steps below:

  1. Look: Look at the ground ahead on walks and hikes
  2. Check: Check carefully under logs, rocks, and picnic tables before sitting down.
  3. Stay: Stay on designated paths and trails while on hikes


Earwigs: Prevention Tips

  • Earwigs are attracted to moisture so it is important to eliminate high moisture areas such as mulch, under stones, boards, etc.
  • Look for ways to eliminate damp moist conditions particularly around crawl spaces, faucets, and along with the foundations.
  • Rain gutters and spouts should direct water away from the house foundation.
  • Caulk or use weather stripping at all possible entry points such as doors, windows, pipes, and other entry points at the ground level.


Yellowjackets and Their Stingers

Yellowjackets have stingers. Unlike honey bees, a yellow jacket can be very aggressive and repeatedly sting its victim.

Here are some natural repellents that help keep Yellowjackets away from your home:

• They are not fond of minty herb so planting lemongrass, thyme, spearmint or similar herbs are a great deterrent.

• Slice cucumbers and place it on an aluminum dish, the chemical action will give off a scent that drives them away.


Tips by Techs

The first case of West Nile Virus death has been reported in San Luis Obispo for 2021. Please take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family from mosquitos and the diseases they carry. Our Service Profession, Malik has a few tips for you to help keep your family safe from mosquitoes.

  • Remove all standing water around your home
  • When outdoors, use insect repellent
  • Ensure windows in your home have screens


Got Rodents?

Experiencing visits from these pesky little creatures? Aantex can help you. As a current customer of Aantex Pest Control, you are eligible for a limited rodent inspection at no charge. This service is included with your ongoing service. Our technician will inspect your property to advise you of any areas that may need to be repaired.


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