Winter means cold days, icy winds and rain-filled weeks. It also means that you are spending much more time indoors than enjoying time outside. Unfortunately, when we head inside, other creatures are also looking for warmth and shelter to keep out of the elements. One major pest problem in our community homeowners struggle with are cockroaches. In winter months, your home is at risk for a winter cockroach infestation. In cold weather, cockroaches will look for a place where they can find water, food, and shelter. Our homes are very inviting to these roaches. To prevent a winter cockroach infestation, here are some tips to prevent cockroaches from making their way into your home.
Tip 1: Store Food Properly to Prevent Winter Cockroach Problems

Cockroaches need food to survive. The best way to eliminate the risk of an infestation is to ensure there is not any readily available food source. Store cereals, chips, grain, flour, dry goods, pasta or snack foods in glass containers with tight-fitting lids.
Tip 2: Wash Dishes Every Evening

Another useful tip is to never leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight. After a long day at work or a busy evening, it is tempting to leave dishes soaking in the sink overnight. However, dirty dishes are an open invitation for cockroaches to come and feast off your dishes. Wash and dry dishes nightly and store them appropriately.
Tip 3: Clean Pet Dishes Daily

Cockroaches find your pet food and water dish as inviting and tempting as your pets do. After you feed your pets in the evening, clean up their food dish. Also, empty and wash water bowls before your head to bed.
Tip 4: Wipe Down Counters and Tables Daily

Tiny crumbs, spills, and drops of food often are left on food prep surfaces, tables or countertops. Sometimes the crumbs are so tiny they are not always easily noticed. However, they are just as inviting to a cockroach as a larger piece of food. Taking the time to clean the counters and surfaces will clean up the crumbs and deter cockroaches from eating.
Tip 5: Sweep and Vacuum Daily to Avoid Winter Cockroach Issues

Just as crumbs and drops of food are left on counters, they also make their way to the floor – often unnoticed or undetectable to the naked eye. When crumbs are left for a bit, they break down and may become embedded in carpets. This is an open invitation for cockroaches.
Schedule An Appointment With A Pest Management Company

As weather changes, it is inevitable that unwanted pests are going to make their way into your home. Taking small steps to ensure your home is not inviting to pests is an important first step. It is also important to work with a local pest control company who understand the trends of pest and rodents in your community. Local pest management companies also work to ensure your home is protected from major infestations. To work with the professionals at Aantex, schedule an appointment online, or call and work with our customer service team by calling 925-240-5100.
Call for Help
Our team of highly trained technicians will be able to assess, diagnose, and help you solve your most frustrating pest problems.
AANTEX Pest Control offers a variety of free inspections and services to the entire Bay Area. 1-800-471-5555