General home maintenance is time-consuming and after you’ve cleaned, vacuumed, and dusted, most often than not, you forget about the most important chore. One that can be destructive if left unattended, pest management. People seldom add the task of pest management to their chore list until they actually have to deal with a problem. Here are three reasons why pest control is important when it comes to maintaining a healthy household.
Keep Diseases at Bay
Some of the most common pests found in homes are flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, mites, rats, and mice. Unfortunately, they all carry diseases. These dreadful disease-carrying pests can cause family members to become ill if the presence of these pests is ignored. The most common diseases carried by these critters are West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, salmonellosis, hantavirus, and encephalitis. Having a regular pest management plan by a professional is imperative in protecting your home by eliminating these pests.
Reduce Costly Damage
Aside from diseases, common pests like termites, carpenter ants, rats, and pigeons can do major structural damage to your home. Termites are top on the list to cause significant damage to a home. The National Pest Control Management Association estimates that termites cause nearly $5 million in property damage annually in the U.S.
With the popularity of solar panels on roofs of homes, these panels have become an ideal place for pigeons and other birds to nest and roost. Professionals will tell you that having birds live and nest under your solar panels will cause extensive damage. Bird droppings and debris can damage your solar panels and make your panels work much less efficiently. As pigeons nest and roost under your panels, the layers of waste can attract other rodents or mites. These critters can cause further damage by chewing through a solar panel’s electrical wiring.
Minimize Allergies
Common household pests such as cockroaches and insects that sting are known to trigger asthma and allergies. You may not know this but cockroach droppings, saliva, and bodily waste often trigger or magnify allergic reactions. The National Pest Management Association reminds us that often times, pest-related asthma and allergy symptoms can be avoided by practicing simple pest prevention and treatment measures.
An experienced pest control specialist can eradicate these pests from your home quickly and effectively preventing them from returning.
Call for Help
Our team of highly trained technicians will be able to assess, diagnose, and help you solve your most frustrating pest problems.
AANTEX Pest Control offers a variety of free inspections and services to the entire Bay Area. 1-800-471-5555
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